Terms of agreement

Parties involved:

David G. H. Krol, psychiatrist, BIG-registration code 29056903401, chamber of commerce number 65279433, further called ‘contractor’


You, being 'the client',

Considering that

Parties agree that

Article 1

During the first session the scope (investment of hours and interventions) of the contract is agreed upon. The contract ends when the above hours/interventions have taken place. The contract can be extended if both parties agree.

Article 2

Client will disclose all medical information regarding current and prior medical conditions and (pharmacological) treatment. Contractor will operate according to the rules and regulations of Dutch law (WGBO) and the professional code of the Dutch Psychiatric Association. Contractor –in accordance with the WGBO and his professional code- will not disclose any medical/other information to any third party.

Article 3

Client wishes contractor to transfer all written medical notes to him/her and/or wishes contractor to erase all information other than this contract and the bill, after the contract ends.

Article 4

In accordance with Dutch law, in situations where client’s or a third party’s life is considered in acute danger by contractor, contractor will discuss this opinion with client. In this situation contractor is allowed to disclose an amount of information to (a) selected third partie(s) neccessary to safeguard client or third parties’ live(s). Contractor will, however, not do so without informing client, and will, ideally, do so with permission of client.